

Profissional responsável por tratar das mãos dos clientes, cortando, polindo e esmaltando as unhas. A Manicure cuida da saúde e embelezamento das unhas das mãos. Esta profissional realiza a retirada da cutícula, esmalta, aplica “base” nas unhas e cremes esfoliantes que facilitem a retirada da cutícula dando maciez às mãos. Também é utilizada a aplicação das “unhas postiças”.

Esmalteria CRLife

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  • Rua Tapajós, 295 - Guarulhos
  • +55 (11) 95551-2121

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    before-after-1 before-after-2

    Secret of


    After owning two successful salon locations they decided to move their passion to the small town of Gainesville


    Stimulates the movement of
    energy by applying pressure

    Nail Therapy

    Wraps are intended to tone and tighten skin while helping.

    We are awesome

    Beauty Service

    Our Partners

    The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. "What's happened to me?" he thought.

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    • Partner
    • Partner
    • Partner
    • Partner
    • Partner